Monday, November 9, 2020

Is a Bully Performance 1600.1 HDPRO a Good Deal? Big D Wiz puts one on the Dyno and shows us amp guts!

It's hard to make a good decision when researching car audio gear. So many unscrupulous companies make incredibly boastful claims about power that are simply not backed up when tested.

Nowadays the market is flooded with these amplifiers. Do any of them actually make rated power? Can you get a 500 watt amplifier for $65?

The Bully Performance 1600.1 HDPRO comes with two 30a fuses, which is a good sign when looking at the 500w into one ohm power rating. This amplifier also includes a bass knob and a sub-sonic filter. This is a great deal for $65 already, but does it perform as advertised?

Enter Big D Wiz of Old School Stereo, tester of amplifiers. Big D has a great reputation for keeping manufacturers honest, and sometimes exposes manufacturers for making less than honest claims about their products. He's also found some diamonds in the rough.

So let's find out together if this amplifier Bullies your subwoofers or if it simply Bullies you into parting with your hard earned money for nothing.

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